August Competition Night

Set Digital - Bird Behaviour/Action

Produce an interesting image of a bird(s) in action, exhibiting some behaviour, e.g. taking off, flying, landing, feeding, catching fish, interacting with others or with the environment.

Awarded Images

Judge's Awards

Awarded by Colin Feilen

Award Image Name Author
Gold Stretching Todd Edwards
Silver No Photos Please Greg Bilton
Bronze Fencing Grace Munday

Member's Awards

Award Image Name Author
1st place In Flight Ray Ross
2nd place Lift Off Russell Donkin
3rd place Caught Ron Dullard
4th place Stretching Todd Edwards
5th place Fairy Penguin Paddle Steve Brown
6th place No Photos Please Greg Bilton
6th place Landing Gears Lemuel Tan
6th place I've Got Lunch Phil Burrows

All images displayed on this site are copyright of WA Camera Club members and may not be used for any purpose without prior permission of the photographer in question.