September Competition Night

Set Prints - Portrait with Extreme Emotion

Produce a powerful portrait featuring a person or persons exhibiting extreme emotion which could range from hilarious laughter to sorrowful tears. Nothing bland.

Awarded Images

Judge's Awards

Awarded by Vittorio Natoli

Award Image Name Author
Gold Contemplating Erika Faust
Silver Oh, Wow! Susan Moss
Bronze 80 Richard Kujda
Bronze Despair Ron Dullard

Member's Awards

Award Image Name Author
1st place 80 Richard Kujda
2nd place Despair Ron Dullard
3rd place Pump Up the Volume Steve Brown
4th place Help! Jim Brady
5th place OMG Roger Jakeway
6th place Tears of Joy Richard Goodwin

All images displayed on this site are copyright of WA Camera Club members and may not be used for any purpose without prior permission of the photographer in question.