May Competition Night

Set Prints - Seven Deadly Sins

Shock us! Choose one or more of the so-called 'sins' and illustrate it in a striking way.

Awarded Images

Judge's Awards

Awarded by Ann Lance

Award Image Name Author
Gold Slothful Pussy Cat Susan Moss
Gold Lust Me Tender Henry Kujda
Gold Suffer Ron Dullard
Silver Labrador Prey Cecylia Sylwestrzak
Silver Wrath of Armageddon Phil Burrows
Silver In Vino Veritas Bob Taylor
Silver I Want That Cat Gianni Ripani
Silver I'm First Derek Judkins
Bronze Where is the Steak? Slavo Nedelkovski
Bronze Greed And Gluttony Richard Goodwin

Member's Awards

Award Image Name Author
1st place Greed And Gluttony Richard Goodwin
2nd place Lust Me Tender Henry Kujda
3rd place Wrath of Armageddon Phil Burrows
4th place Where is the Steak? Slavo Nedelkovski
5th place I Want That Cat Gianni Ripani
6th place Fruit Loop Fatality Susi Nodding

All images displayed on this site are copyright of WA Camera Club members and may not be used for any purpose without prior permission of the photographer in question.