A static arrangement of objects, either indoors or outdoors, that imparts, or hints at, an interesting insight into their use or intrinsic appeal. A still life is a work of art depicting mostly inanimate subject matter arranged to convey a story.
Competitions held on the night were:
Open Colour Prints Awarded Images:
Mia Bambina
by Grace Munday
4th place members' choice
in Open Colour Prints
Winter Dreamscape
by Steve Brown
Silver judge's award
in Open Colour Prints
Open Mono Prints Awarded Images:
Slow Motion
by Ann Jones
6th place members' choice
in Open Mono Prints
Stressful Times
by Lemuel Tan
Silver judge's award
3rd place members' choice
in Open Mono Prints
Set Digital Awarded Images:
Fish and Chip Origins
by Richard Goodwin
Gold judge's award
in Set Digital - Still Life
Last Supper
by Peter Chalmers
Silver judge's award
in Set Digital - Still Life
by Ron Dullard
Bronze judge's award
in Set Digital - Still Life
Set Prints Awarded Images:
Basket of Fruit
by Lemuel Tan
1st place members' choice
Bronze judge's award
in Set Prints - Still Life
All images displayed on this site are copyright of WA Camera Club members and may not be
used for any purpose without prior permission of the photographer in question.