Portray a gradual decaying of an object, an object in a state of decay or having been abandoned and left dilapidated.
Competitions held on the night were:
Open Mono Digital Awarded Images:
Air Walk
by Richard Goodwin
Bronze judge's award
in Open Mono Digital
An Octopus's Garden
by Anne Mead
5th place members' choice
in Open Mono Digital
by Debbie Lawarik
Bronze judge's award
in Open Mono Digital
by Peter Walpole
Bronze judge's award
in Open Mono Digital
by Robert Woodbury
1st place members' choice
Gold judge's award
in Open Mono Digital
by Ron Dullard
Silver judge's award
in Open Mono Digital
Young Student
by Kim McAvoy
4th place members' choice
in Open Mono Digital
Open Mono Prints Awarded Images:
Bringing Up the Family
by Phil Burrows
Bronze judge's award
in Open Mono Prints
Closing Time at Tate Modern
by Steve Brown
Silver judge's award
5th place members' choice
in Open Mono Prints
by Cecylia Sylwestrzak
Bronze judge's award
in Open Mono Prints
Master of the Skies
by Robert Woodbury
2nd place members' choice
Silver judge's award
in Open Mono Prints
by Munib Fetahovic
Bronze judge's award
in Open Mono Prints
Set Digital Awarded Images:
A Beauty No More
by Steve Brown
Bronze judge's award
in Set Digital - Dereliction
Dashboard Decay
by Debbie Lawarik
Gold judge's award
in Set Digital - Dereliction
Decaying Jetty Structure
by Amanda Blanksby
Bronze judge's award
in Set Digital - Dereliction
House of Neglect
by Richard Goodwin
5th place members' choice
Bronze judge's award
in Set Digital - Dereliction
In Need of a Clean
by Susi Nodding
3rd place members' choice
in Set Digital - Dereliction
Lights Out
by Richard Kujda
2nd place members' choice
in Set Digital - Dereliction
Looking Sad
by Susan Moss
Bronze judge's award
in Set Digital - Dereliction
Once Was A Mighty Tree
by Peter Walpole
Silver judge's award
in Set Digital - Dereliction
by Ziggy Morawiec
Bronze judge's award
in Set Digital - Dereliction
Shaft of Light
by Phil Burrows
4th place members' choice
in Set Digital - Dereliction
The Shack
by Ron Dullard
6th place members' choice
in Set Digital - Dereliction
The Terminus
by Anne Mead
1st place members' choice
in Set Digital - Dereliction
by Fred Armstrong
Gold judge's award
in Set Digital - Dereliction
Set Prints Awarded Images:
Better Days Past
by Richard Goodwin
1st place members' choice
in Set Prints - Dereliction
All images displayed on this site are copyright of WA Camera Club members and may not be
used for any purpose without prior permission of the photographer in question.