Shoot a portrait that depicts a connection between a human subject and an animal.
Competitions held on the night were:
Open Mono Digital Awarded Images:
Black Cockatoo Flock
by Cecylia Sylwestrzak
Bronze judge's award
in Open Mono Digital
Camel Trader
by Ann Jones
Silver judge's award
in Open Mono Digital
Day Break
by Ian Kane
Bronze judge's award
in Open Mono Digital
Fractured City
by Steve Brown
Gold judge's award
6th place members' choice
in Open Mono Digital
by Susi Nodding
Gold judge's award
1st place members' choice
in Open Mono Digital
Guarding the Bones
by Gillian Robertson
Bronze judge's award
in Open Mono Digital
Love at First Light
by Ian Robertson
Gold judge's award
in Open Mono Digital
Morning Fog
by Sybille Bonow
Bronze judge's award
in Open Mono Digital
Night Light
by Peter Walpole
3rd place members' choice
Silver judge's award
in Open Mono Digital
No Customers
by David Thomson
Bronze judge's award
in Open Mono Digital
by Ron Dullard
Silver judge's award
in Open Mono Digital
Prayer Time
by Kate Bilton
Bronze judge's award
in Open Mono Digital
The Arches
by Fred Armstrong
Silver judge's award
in Open Mono Digital
The Donna Wood
by Jenny Anastas
Silver judge's award
in Open Mono Digital
The Editor
by Richard Goodwin
Gold judge's award
5th place members' choice
in Open Mono Digital
The Soldier
by Bruce Finkelstein
Bronze judge's award
in Open Mono Digital
Tools of the Trade
by Debbie Lawarik
Bronze judge's award
in Open Mono Digital
by Russell Donkin
Silver judge's award
2nd place members' choice
in Open Mono Digital
Wild Waterfall
by Phil Burrows
Silver judge's award
in Open Mono Digital
Winter in Tuscany
by Fiona Birt
4th place members' choice
Gold judge's award
in Open Mono Digital
Open Mono Prints Awarded Images:
Sinoia Silhouette
by Ian Robertson
6th place members' choice
Silver judge's award
in Open Mono Prints
The Eyes Have It
by Richard Goodwin
Gold judge's award
in Open Mono Prints
Set Digital Awarded Images:
"Bloody Tourist!"
by Ian Robertson
Gold judge's award
in Set Digital - Portrait with Animal/Pet
A Close Relationship
by Gillian Robertson
Bronze judge's award
in Set Digital - Portrait with Animal/Pet
Barry Boy
by Sybille Bonow
Bronze judge's award
in Set Digital - Portrait with Animal/Pet
Best Friends
by Susi Nodding
6th place members' choice
Silver judge's award
in Set Digital - Portrait with Animal/Pet
Carrying a Heavy Load
by Jenny Anastas
Gold judge's award
in Set Digital - Portrait with Animal/Pet
by Kate Bilton
3rd place members' choice
Silver judge's award
in Set Digital - Portrait with Animal/Pet
by David Steele
Bronze judge's award
in Set Digital - Portrait with Animal/Pet
Her Irish Setter
by Steve Brown
Silver judge's award
in Set Digital - Portrait with Animal/Pet
High Five
by Ann Jones
4th place members' choice
Gold judge's award
in Set Digital - Portrait with Animal/Pet
Me and My Boy Bruce
by Debbie Lawarik
Silver judge's award
in Set Digital - Portrait with Animal/Pet
by Fiona Birt
Gold judge's award
1st place members' choice
in Set Digital - Portrait with Animal/Pet
The Doggie in the Window with his Mum
by Anne Mead
2nd place members' choice
Silver judge's award
in Set Digital - Portrait with Animal/Pet
The Lick
by Ron Dullard
Bronze judge's award
in Set Digital - Portrait with Animal/Pet
There's Here the Dog
by Richard Goodwin
5th place members' choice
Gold judge's award
in Set Digital - Portrait with Animal/Pet
Workout Buddies
by Fred Armstrong
Bronze judge's award
in Set Digital - Portrait with Animal/Pet
Set Prints Awarded Images:
Curious Sealion
by Ian Robertson
Silver judge's award
in Set Prints - Portrait with Animal/Pet
by Cecylia Sylwestrzak
2nd place members' choice
Gold judge's award
in Set Prints - Portrait with Animal/Pet
Last Catch
by Richard Goodwin
Gold judge's award
4th place members' choice
in Set Prints - Portrait with Animal/Pet
All images displayed on this site are copyright of WA Camera Club members and may not be
used for any purpose without prior permission of the photographer in question.