Create an artistic abstract photograph using an industrial setting for your source material. (e.g. workshop, factory, building site, industrial compound, warehouse, etc)
Competitions held on the night were:
Open Colour Digital Awarded Images:
A Pensive Mood
by Anne Mead
Bronze judge's award
in Open Colour Digital
A Touch of Red
by Ron Dullard
2nd place members' choice
in Open Colour Digital
Blue Thongs
by Fiona Birt
Gold judge's award
3rd place members' choice
Gold judge's award
in End of Year - Colour Digital - Open Colour
Bright Eyed Tawny Owl
by Susan Moss
Silver judge's award
in Open Colour Digital
Copper Still
by Phil Burrows
Silver judge's award
in Open Colour Digital
Deco Dog Walk
by Richard Goodwin
Gold judge's award
1st place members' choice
in Open Colour Digital
Fire Hydrant
by Debbie Lawarik
Bronze judge's award
in Open Colour Digital
Gas Bay Cut Back
by Peter Walpole
Silver judge's award
4th place members' choice
in Open Colour Digital
Happy Hour
by David Steele
Silver judge's award
in Open Colour Digital
by Sybille Bonow
Gold judge's award
5th place members' choice
in Open Colour Digital
Magnificent Papillae
by Ian Robertson
Gold judge's award
in Open Colour Digital
Smoke-o Time
by Di Warner
Bronze judge's award
in Open Colour Digital
Stage Door Smoko
by Steve Brown
Bronze judge's award
in Open Colour Digital
Time Passing
by Jocelyn Manning
Silver judge's award
5th place members' choice
in Open Colour Digital
Open Colour Prints Awarded Images:
by Richard Goodwin
1st place members' choice
in Open Colour Prints
Set Digital Awarded Images:
Abstract on Beaufort
by Susan Moss
Bronze judge's award
in Set Digital - Abstract from an Industrial Setting
by Bruce Finkelstein
Bronze judge's award
in Set Digital - Abstract from an Industrial Setting
by Sybille Bonow
Silver judge's award
in Set Digital - Abstract from an Industrial Setting
Colours of Decay
by Ann Jones
Bronze judge's award
2nd place members' choice
in Set Digital - Abstract from an Industrial Setting
Melbourne Docks
by Susi Nodding
Bronze judge's award
1st place members' choice
in Set Digital - Abstract from an Industrial Setting
Midland Railway Yards
by Cecylia Sylwestrzak
Gold judge's award
in Set Digital - Abstract from an Industrial Setting
Orange and Red
by David Steele
3rd place members' choice
in Set Digital - Abstract from an Industrial Setting
Red Abstraction
by Di Warner
4th place members' choice
in Set Digital - Abstract from an Industrial Setting
by Steve Brown
Bronze judge's award
in Set Digital - Abstract from an Industrial Setting
The Remains
by Anne Mead
Bronze judge's award
in Set Digital - Abstract from an Industrial Setting
The Smithy
by Ian Robertson
Gold judge's award
6th place members' choice
in Set Digital - Abstract from an Industrial Setting
Yellow Accents
by Kim McAvoy
4th place members' choice
in Set Digital - Abstract from an Industrial Setting
Set Prints Awarded Images:
Cog Network
by Richard Goodwin
Gold judge's award
3rd place members' choice
in Set Prints - Abstract from an Industrial Setting
Dirty Windows
by Fiona Birt
5th place members' choice
in Set Prints - Abstract from an Industrial Setting
All images displayed on this site are copyright of WA Camera Club members and may not be
used for any purpose without prior permission of the photographer in question.